Wednesday 16 December 2009

My blog feedback

Over the last 4 weeks we have been developing our campaign's we have done alot to advertise them also alot of research. we created logos for are campaign which you can see below, we also reasontly created posters for the campaign to help people notice are campaign and help support my course, we also went around the college and set up interviews with pupils.

We also go to junction every thuresday where we learn how to propare for a event also how to get people to notice your even and attend it theres are a lot of different things that would help me to lounch my own even. We are quickly coming to the end of this unit and will shortly be starting our final report for this unit where we reflect on all the things we have done in detail and exsplain to goods and bads about are campaigns.

My Tshirt presentation

Tuesday 15 December 2009

Monday 14 December 2009

Reasearch into the subject of my campaign

The juction fiver is know to alot of people in and around cambridge, and is very simular to my campaign that im creating. Personaly i dont have that much of a problem with it and what they play there, its a fun and social even also helps youths to go here on fridays night insted of beening out on the streets were anything can happen to then, but the thing is that it only supports a serton group of people were im campaign supports all social groups we would help up coming sings and musicions, bands, MC's ect... involved so everyone can enjoy the sounds of all types of music.

The would also attract alot more people to come to the evens and keep alot more people entertained. The campaign is aimed at people aged between 16-19 and these are the type of people we want supporting my campaign so we know that we are doing the right thing and doin what they want, i also think the city council would also incurage this campaign as it helps young people of the streets an will stop them from doing other things like getting drunk, getting into fights and drugs also alot of other things.

This campaign will also have people opposing it as there is with all campaigns but i think with a though points i could win them over. There are many ways i would convince them such as, it would get the younger of the streets at night also they will be in a safe and controlled enviroment, they will be safe out side the event as there will be security also police supervising the event to make sure everything gos as it should.

my chosen potition

The reason i joined an signed up to this potition because they are right in what they are saying if cannabis was ligal it would be alot safer and wouldnt be as much of a problem as it is now as long as its controlled and handled well. because these day cannabis is one of the least harmfull drugs out there, even safer then most of the leagal goverment controlled drugs that you can pick up in your local high street shop for a sum of around 20 yo 30 pounds an these so called legal drugs can harm the well being other others and your self alot more then what cannabis dose.

potition homepage:

Thursday 10 December 2009

Tom woodcock is the secretary of Cambridge & District trade union council, and recently came in the our media lesson to talk to us about how he got involved in  a lot of campaign's in and around cambridgeshire. He recently was involved in a campaign, to get postmen/women to stop them from cutting there jobs and keeping the post office a public business and to stop it from belonging to the government and making them work harder without no extra pay rise They also want to revolutionize the post office so they will not need people to do poticuler jobs an have machines doing the jobs instead which will end up with thousands of works around the country loosing there jobs. 
My ideas on this campaign are in agreement with this an i think they are doing the right thing, the government shouldn't be able to take control of a public business especially if they are making the workers work even harder for no extra wages. Also a lot of postmen/women well lose there jobs an will be unemployed. 

Tuesday 1 December 2009

my three interview questions


- Do you like the idea of this campaign?

- Would u support my campaign?

-What is your opinion on my campaign?

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