Wednesday 27 January 2010

cramba lesson 27th January

today i helped beth writing the request to cambridge evening news to come down to the performance and write a bit in there paper about us. i also have taken many pictures of the group and what they was working on.

Tuesday 26 January 2010

today i found all the contact details that we needed to contact to see if they will come and support are campaign and band. 

Monday 18 January 2010

Acro Iris Samba

Acro Lris Samba

This band is well formed, all with matching tops so that the public also the group knows who is with what. the places the band members are persitioned are also arranged in order having the small an light instruments at the fron of the band, and the larger instruments at the back. This tells thr audience that they are every organised and know what they are doing. they also have a leader which stands at the front of the band directing then on what to do next and also who should stop & start. The movment of there feet are a very important piece in the band but is over look most of the time, but this is to help the band members to keep there rythem through out the soung. They also have a very troditional beat to there music unlike most bands theys days adding bits of D&B or funky and dubstep in there music.

Thudbox - Bal A

The Thudbox Bal A are also a samba band but this band have more of a moden feel to there music with bits of funky and dubstep in there beat unlike the Acro Lris Samba bands tunes was more of the original sounds of samba. This band dosnt seem to have a costume so would be hard for the public to identify the band, both bands seem well organised an know what they are doing but, i think that this band would catch the eyes of most youths and get the younger gerneration of people to listen to them proform.

Friday 15 January 2010


the reason i chose this video was because i like the way they perform there music and its lively.
they work together very well as a team and stay in sync with each other also you can tell they are a well know and professional band.
there costumes are all made for each other also thy match so people watching knows who is in the group but there not wearing any traditional samba clothing.
this performance is held in a public park were many families go.
comparing this band to are band at the junction they are a lot better then us but with practice we could become very good.     

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