Monday 15 March 2010

Scene Progress Report

So fare the scene project i have written a article about a non local and a local band, we have also been to the junction and done practice job interviews. I still need to interview my chosen band also write up a review on something in or around cambridge, we have Creative & Media industry this helped me to understand were the creative & media diploma could get me later in life. I found information for the singers/bands on the internet looking at were they are performing and reading what the host has written about them. I think so fare in the scene course it has been pretty interesting also it has helped me to know what i can do better when i go to a interview. I think i could improve my work by making sure i finish my work on time and keep track of were I'm at an making sure in up to date with all my work, next in the scene unit i am planning to get a interview with a local band, also write a review about something around cambridge.   

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